About the Whistleblowing

Xiaomi requires all employees to conduct business in lawful and ethical manners. If you are aware of or suspect any potential compliance violation, please promptly report to the Company through the official channels outlined in this web-page to protect the Company’s interests. Xiaomi Corporation integrity platform accepts the following whistleblowing reports:

(1) Offering and Accepting Bribes

(2) Offering or Accepting Prohibited Gifts or Entertainment

(3) Infringement on Interests

(4) Fictitious Reimbursements

(5) Conflict of Interests

(6) Financial Statement Fraud

(7) Misconducts in Securities and Finance Areas

(8) Violation of Trade Secrets

(9) Information Security

(10)Unfair Competition

(11) Infringement on Intellectual Properties

The Company encourages whistle-blowers to report in real name. Xiaomi will reward real-name reporters or cooperating groups who provide valid evidence up to RMB 1 million. You could also choose to report anonymously.
Xiaomi is committed to the confidentiality of whistle-blower information. Xiaomi does not tolerate any form of retaliation against bona-fide whistle-blowers. Please report freely without concern.
Reporters should be responsible for the genuineness of reported issues. Xiaomi reserves the right to take legal or disciplinary action against any fabricated reporting or malicious accusation.
All reports will be followed up and investigated by Safety & Investigation Department. If you have any further questions regarding the system, please feel free to contact tousu@xiaomi.com
